Tyler & Lily at sunrise.
A little while back, Tyler and Lily moved right into the neighborhood street where Ellie and I live. These two have become dear friends to us for the past couple of years, so having them within a stone’s throw has been one of those moments of God’s boundless generosity.
Tyler does some side business doing epic finishes on garage floors, so he offered me a little barter where he’d come and coat my little garage in exchange for some photo work including a session he wanted to gift to Lily. That was an easy deal for me. What you see here is that session where we got up for the sunrise in the North End of VB for a session of them after two years of marriage. Photographing married couples is particularly meaningful for me because we are capturing something better than potential. We are capturing a love that has proven itself faithful. Even though two years is short in whole story, its something like 700 days of daily loving one another. And that is worth capturing and celebrating.